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TWO acknowledgments of gratitude or appreciation for all the wonderful things in your life that you are thankful for.  “I am so thankful for my health, friends; family; my ability to learn, laugh, love.  “Grateful I have an abundance of choices.”  

 Good news!  It’s impossible to feel grateful or thankful and be angry, sad, or mad at the same time.  A feeling and attitude of gratitude and appreciation has a dynamic, healing, soothing, heart swelling effect - and usually brings a smile to your face. 

TWO compliments, acknowledgments to someone else. Children blossom with praise!! Anything and everything, large or small, praise the behavior you want to see more of.  “Your room looks great!  Thanks for helping with.....”  

Acknowledge, recognize, appreciate people for being such a good wife, husband, friend, brother, boss or just for who they are; kind, loving, creative, supportive, friendly, accepting.... 

Help them become aware of just how fabulous they truly are.

People may not remember exactly what you did or what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel.

Praise is a dynamic self-esteem booster that all of us will enjoy as a steady diet.                         

TWO compliments or acknowledgments a day to yourself.  This will probably be the hardest to do and also the most beneficial.  Giving your wonderful self a compliment has a powerful impact. Example: “I am dependable.  I am resourceful.  I am resilient.  I have integrity.  I did a good job!  I brushed my teeth!  It’s okay to just think the compliment or whisper it to yourself, it has a spectacular effect on the beneficial messages your brain sends to your body.

A rule of the mind is that it can only think one thought at a time and you get to choose what that thought will be!! Tell yourself what you would like to hear someone say about you. Be your own best friend! Give yourself permission to feel good about yourself. 

Stay away, very far away from the poisoning effect criticism has on you and others. Criticism never fixes anything, always alienates and hurts. Do you enjoy being around someone who constantly criticizes you? No one else does either!


EFFECTS - Adopting Simple 6 into your life moves you from negative thinking to positive thinking about yourself and your life in general. You are in charge!!  You are choosing new ways of thinking and feeling. Whatever you’re looking for you’ll find.  You get to decide! Good or bad. Happy or sad.  What you turn your attention to increases and you get to choose which path you take.  Always looking for something positive to say about someone else creates an accepting demeanor and attitude towards friends and family.  The ripple effect is that you feel better about yourself physically and mentally and others like being around you.  All the happy, positive thoughts have a direct wonderful healing effect on your body. 

 As your clean your teeth each morning, brushing away any icky gremlins in your teeth, remember to clean your beautiful mind, removing any icky, self-defeating thoughts and creating a sparkling, energetic attitude, overflowing with gratitude, positivity, and optimism, being so thankful and rejoicing in who you are and what you have!! 

What a great way to live each day!!



CAROLYN ERICKSON, CRS, C.Hyp  801-897-0578 cell 

Super Sixers Success Stories

The Simple 6 is the most life altering change I have made since being shot in the face on 03Dec2006.  The hardest part was getting started. I did not realize how difficult it was to give compliments. Then I realized how resistance I was to except a compliment.  I believe the Simple 6 is the best therapy I have received in over 13 years of recovery.    I am finding it is easier to love yourself when you are looking to share love with others.  Chess 

Feb 26:  I like it.   I feel that the Simple 6 has forced my way of thinking to be positive.  I am thinking about how people are doing good, instead of looking for a way that people are treating me bad.  Seeing the good over the bad, type of thing.  Thank you.

I have received many compliments on how my attitude is like the "old Chess".  Thank you for pulling back the curtain and showing me the light of life again.  And I found a new fact that I would like to share with you.  It is impossible to be unhappy and skip.  So when I find myself getting upset, I just start to skip... down the side walk, across a road, down the hall way, in a store, it makes others smile too.  Chess 

* * *
Working with Carolyn has been such a game changer for me! I was finally able to realize how powerful my thoughts are and that I have the power to create the life I want. Implementing her Simple 6 method into my everyday life has been immensely helpful and something I will practice for the rest of my life. So much gratitude for Carolyn and her incredible techniques. 




1.     I'm grateful for you.
2.     You make me proud.                              

3.     Your words are meaningful.
4.     You have great ideas.
5.     I love being your parent.
6.     You don't have to be perfect to be great.
7.     Your opinions matter.
8.     You are important.
9.     You are loved. 
10.    I believe you.
11.    I believe in you.
12.    My life wouldn't be the same  without you. 
13.    You are valuable.
14.    You can say no.
15.    You can say yes.
16.    I know you did your best.
17.    You were right.
18.    I accept who you are.
19.    We can try your way.
20.    You are helpful.
21.    You are worth it.
22.    You make me happy. 
23.    I love your creativity.
24.    Being around you is fun.
25.    I can't wait to hear about it.
26.    Don't be afraid to be you.
27.    You're making a difference.
28.    I'm excited to spend time with you.
29.    You are interesting. 
30.    I love seeing the world your way.
31.    It's good to be curious.
32.    I love the way you tell stories. 
33.    What you did was awesome. 
34.    I admire you.
35.    That's a great question.
36.    Your friends are lucky to have you.


37.     I trust you.
38.     That was a really good choice. 
39.     Seeing you happy makes me happy
40.     Being your parent is my favorite job.
41.     I learn new things from you every day.
42.     You make me better.
43.     You are a good boy/girl/child.
44.     Thank you for being you.
45.     I'm so glad you're here.
46.     You look great.
47.     I understand you.
48.     Watching you grow up is the best. 
49.     That was really brave. 
50.     I forgive you.
51.     I appreciate you.
52.     We all make mistakes. 
53.     Yes, me too.
54.     You are very good at that!
55.     You can try again tomorrow.
56.     Nobody is perfect.
57.     I love how you said that.
58.     Not everyone will like you, and that's okay.  
59.     You did that so well.
60.     I'm listening.
61.     That's a very fair point.
62.     You are beautiful inside and out.
63.     I love you.
64.     I could never stop loving you.
65.     You are enough.
66.     You make my heart full.


I nourish the positive thoughts in my mind.

I am so grateful for who I am.

My energy levels are increasing.
I enjoy moments of joy at any time of the day.

I am grateful for my ability to start and finish goals.

I find peace and contentment within.

I confidently work through my feelings.

I am experiencing many profound changes in my life.

I am developing better relationships.
I am becoming more confident each day.
I am learning how to be more mindful. 

I am grateful that I keep my word to myself and others.
I can calm myself down instantly in any situation.
My self-worth comes from within.
I am worthy of the best that life has to offer.
I can find inner balance.
I give myself space to just be.
I can tap into healing energy at any moment.
I am calm and content.
I embrace a deep sense of calm.
I am fully present in the here and the now.
It's easy for me to be more present in the moment.
I focus on one thing at a time.

"The most powerful words are the words we tell ourself."

                                                                Marissa Peer 

Give yourself some self-care today.  Look in the mirror and tell yourself you appreciate all of you.  You are the only you there will ever be in the universe or time.  Own it, recognize it and appreciate that truth with gratitude in your heart.

ABOUT ME - Carolyn Erickson

My concern has always been teenagers and how to help them. Suicide among teens - and now even younger - keeps rising.  Those feelings of helpless and hopeless.  I’m feeling such an urgency to let our wonderful children know how they can remove the self-destructive thoughts and replace them with thoughts that make them happy and feel better about themselves, their lives, how wonderful and unique they are.  

Simple 6 came about because someone I loved was caught in a cycle of negative thoughts, bypassing the abundance of success and accomplishments in their life.  My daughter and I began talking about ways  for people to say good things about themselves.  After some brain-storming we came up with Simple 6; two expressions of gratitude, being thankful for all we had; two compliments to someone else; and two compliments about ourselves.  I got so excited about this because it was so simple and yet so powerful!!  The benefits were confirmed by the feedback I received from Chess Johnson, a veteran suffering from PTSD.  Seeing how this changed his life I feel on a mission to provide this to as many people as I can.    


Everyone is entitled to feel great, happy, content with themselves and the best part is it’s an inside job, we choose how we want to feel, act, live by using our own power of thought.  That’s a powerful life-changing thought process parents can give themselves and their children by removing those self-defeating, hurtful thoughts and replacing them with compliments, refreshing thoughts and new attitudes about themselves, their families and friends. Excited to wake up every day, looking for things to be grateful for, happy about, thankful for the people in their lives and acknowledging how great it is to be them.


I would love to be invited to speak to you on Zoom, at your business, small groups, large groups.
I can be contacted at My cell number is 801-897-0578.

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